Welcome!Ā I am Jordan Corless

Mama, Wife, Lover of the outdoors, Holistic Practitioner, Trauma-Informed Coach

Let me start by saying that I am one of you. I have been through the trauma, fallen to the depths of depression and anxiety, tried every diet in hopes that one would stick, struggled with body image, weight gain, skin issues, bloat, weight loss, and just down right not feeling good. Not only have I dealt with physical symptoms but emotional as well while I tried sifting through my trauma just to feel human.Ā 

I have traveled a long way to get to where I am now with my health, emotional regulation, eating habits, and nervous system and I am here to help you do the same without the long journey. Recovering from drinking, food intolerance, eczema, postpartum recovery, trauma, triggers, emotional breakdowns,Ā and all the things in between, I am here to help!

Regulated Healing is about a no-stress approach to holistic healing with mineral balancing and emotional trauma release at the forefront. We touch all the aspects of your life in order to make lifestyle changesĀ that last.Ā 

Ready to get started?


If you made it to my page then you might be looking for some relief after you feel like you have tried everything or you just need some tweaking to an already great lifestyle! If you like baby steps, my Walking Out of Trauma Guide is for you!

Get the guide